Seizures, which take place when the brain works abnormally, usually result in a change in movement, attention, as well as level of consciousness. Various forms of seizures may happen in various parts or sides of the brain. They may affect only a certain type of the body or the whole body. There are many reasons for the occurrence of seizures particularly in children.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Saturday, May 29, 2010
The Two Main Types Of Seizures
Seizures indicate that an individual or an animal is having a brain problem. This condition takes place when the brain has a rapid, unusual electrical activity. Contrary to what most of us know, seizures don’t always result in convulsions. They come in many types and some display very mild symptoms. Seizures are classified into two main categories – partial seizures and generalized seizures.
Seizures – The ABCs
Disturbance in the typically organized, well-coordinated, and orderly electrical impulses in the brain is all that separates a normal brain function from an epileptic seizure. Under normal circumstances, nerve transmission in the brain occurs very smoothly, allowing the electrical activities to coordinate one unit of the body with other
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